2013年9月30日 星期一

Sept 30 (the day)

Things come and go. Gone when you least expect it. Gone when you just learnt to appreciate it. You really want to go back in time and spend time wisely with those who are ceased. A day before, you might be happily walking down the street with her and chatting happily about happy things, and a day after, you might be sitting in the A&E and crying and mourning about the loss. Appreciate life and live to the fullest.

September 29th, 6:25
Dad rushes to my door shouting that my mom fainted and that I need to get dressed and leave immediately to the hospital.

Ambulance and medics come, and tries to give my mom a chance to live.

Boarding the police car while my dad goes with my mom on the ambulance

In A&E of Prince of Wales, waiting for a good news by the doctors, saying 'She has a chance of life'.
It never came.

Doctors after 1 hour of repetitive doses of cardiotonic substances declared her dead.

~8:15 - 10:00

and the day goes on.

Remember that you will never know when your time has come, or when your loved ones might go. One second may equal to death. It is fascinating that how easy it is to loose that 21 grams and go to heaven, and it might be the next second. 

As Mr Norton said in our chapel " Death, in society, means a dark and bad thing. However, it should be a good thing, as their souls are released into the holiness of heaven will not endure earthly pains anymore. 

Frankly, I did not cry as much as I expected. I sat there thinking: God, if you need to take her away, please do. She has enough earthly pains, and does not, should not suffer these pains. I fully acknowledge that, and will leave a space in my heart for her. 

Although I'm only 13, for the rest of my life (10 years? 20 years? 50) I will never forget her, the wonderful MOM and great ENGLISH TEACHER that her students will miss.
I will always remember you as Miss Universe (ironically), Mom, Du, and any other names you might have (人猪合一军炸机)

Born 2/26/1971
Died 9/29/2013 (age 42)

<3 Elly


7 則留言:

  1. Just heard from others,everyone has a switch, u never know when will GOD turn us off and goes to his heaven. Be strong!

    1. 羅12:15

      You'll never walk alone.

  2. My son, i love you and your mom did and will be. Still? ALWAYS !!!!!

    Your dad

  3. You grow up and act like a man........Certainly, you Mom must proud of you!!

  4. May God give you peace in this hard situation. I will pray for you and your dad.

  5. Thanks everyone. Your support is highly appreciated

  6. Hi there.

    I lost my dad in almost exactly the same way.

    I won't claim to know WHAT you are feeling right now, since we are all different, but I totally understand HOW you feel and what it MIGHT be like.

    Regardless, stay strong and hang in there. Your mum might not be around in person, but no one can take away the memories you have of her. Besides, you will see her again one day.

    Best wishes.
